Create Agents

  1. Click on "Create Agents" from the sidebar or on the Dashboard page

  2. Fill in the required information:

    • Name of the agent (this can be whatever you want to - you will see this name on the Dashboard page)

    • Role of the agent (e.g. Research Analyst - you will see this in the final code)

    • Goal of the agent (what you want your agent to aim for - e.g. research sports news)

    • Backstory (tell the agent how he should behave, what you are expecting, etc.)

  3. Fill in the additional information (if you want to):

    • Image (gamification from my side - I want you to give a picture to the AI, so you can easily recognize the agent on the Dashboard + better understand what the agent should do based on your real experiences)

    • LLM (default is GPT4, feel free to edit it to e.g. Groq)

    • Choose the agent's tools (if you want to search the internet, but you won't assign the tools to the agent, it won't work)

    • Choose additional information such as maximum number of requests or maximum execution time or if the agent can delegate part of the tasks to other agents.

More about the agent's attributes can be found in the official docs:

Last updated